
美安 - DNA Miracles™ Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes 等渗

虽然有许多选择可以帮助儿童的营养需求,选择可以信任的补充品对您的孩子的需求非常重要。这就是为什么我们推出的certificationDNA Miracles 等渗消化酶。
虽然有很多孩子的消化系统的健康产品在市场上,DNA Miracles 等渗消化酶采用独特的配方,以帮助孩子需要额外的消化系统支持。
DNA Miracles等渗消化酶通过支持食品与配方,致力于消化过程中分裂的蛋白质的吸收,使它们更小,更容易消化促进胃的舒适性和排便规律的孩子。这不仅促进正常的消化和吸收营养物质,它也促进排便规律。
此外,DNA Miracles等渗消化酶是采用了革命性的等渗输送系统制定。与增强,专利的酶混合物,更好地耐受胃酸和支持乳制品和麸质的正常消化相结合的等渗配送系统,DNA Miracles等渗消化酶呈现出多元化的配方设计,即使是最具挑战性的食物,沉迷于儿童。
DNA Miracles等渗消化酶的作品不仅能促进胃的舒适性,而且作为长期消化系统健康的促进。给你的孩子,他们与DNA奇迹等渗消化酶应有的营养支持。
  • DNA Miracles™ Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes 的主要好处:
    • 支持吸收重要的营养素和利用
    • 支持正常的消化
    • 提供酶,促进营养物质的吸收
    • 支持粮食正常的消化(面筋)和乳制品(酪蛋白)
    • 支持一个健康的消化道
    • 支持肠道细胞的正常生长
    • 促进胃的舒适度
    • 促进排便规律

  • DNA Miracles™ Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes的主要成分
    • DigeZyme
      • DigeZyme®是一种多酶复合物主要成分为淀粉酶(淀粉水解酶),蛋白酶(蛋白水解酶)和脂肪(脂质水解酶)的酶。
    • Sucrase (Invertase) 蔗糖酶
    • Maltase 麦芽糖酶
    • Papain - 木瓜蛋白酶
    • Bromelain - 菠萝蛋白酶
    • Kiwi Proteases (Actinidin) - 蛋白酶猕猴桃(猕猴桃)
    • Glutamine - 谷氨酰胺

  • 爱的奇迹™DNA神奇维生素软糖的常见问题:

    Why are digestive enzymes important for my child’s health?Proper digestion is essential for the body to effectively utilize food for use by cells and tissues. Enzymes support the normal breakdown of food into substances that can be used to provide energy to the body. Supplementation with digestive enzymes provides the body with the additional support it needs for proper digestion.

    How does DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes compare with other enzyme formulas?DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes contains DigeZyme®, which is designed to replenish essential digestive enzymes, supporting digestive health. It also contains protease enzymes that support the body’s normal ability to break down proteins such as casein (dairy) and grains (gluten).*

    When is the best time to take DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes?It is generally recommended that enzyme supplements be taken at the beginning or early on in the meal to assure appropriate digestive support, since most food stays in the upper part of the stomach for an hour and half. However, if the enzymes are not taken before or at the beginning of the meal, they can be supplemented after the meal is started.

    Are there any allergens in DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes?DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes is a vegetarian product and contains no wheat, soy, yeast, gluten, artificial flavor, starch, salt, preservatives or milk.

    What is the serving size for DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes?Pour one level capful of the powder into a cup. Add 2 fl. oz. (line on the colored overcap indicates 2 fl. oz.) of water and stir. As a dietary supplement, take with each meal, 3 times a day, or as directed by your physician. Additional servings may be taken as necessary.

    Can my children take DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes in addition to other DNA Miracles products? An assortment of DNA Miracles products – DNA Miracles Chewable Probiotics, DNA Miracles Essential Omega 3, DNA Miracles Isotonix OPC-3, and DNA Miracles Isotonix Multivitamin or DNA Miracles Isotonix Multivitamin Plus – can be taken in addition to DNA Miracles Isotonix Digestive Enzymes.
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