这两种益生菌和益生元是必要的一个孩子的正常健康发展。健康的细菌和益生元被传递由母亲传染给孩子通过母乳。在某些情况下 - 例如,如果婴儿被配方奶喂养,或通过剖腹产出生 - 适量的补充益生菌和益生元正好可填补这种从母乳中才能获取的有益健康成份。
也有外界因素,可能导致婴儿的细菌组成的不平衡。有研究表明,食用益生菌和益生元,无论是通过食物或补充剂,可促进婴儿的菌群的平衡 -有利于他们的健康。
每一份DNA Miracle Probitotics 的包含了2亿个菌落形成单位的益生菌(CFU的)证明有益于婴幼儿和新生儿的成长。 DNA Miracle Probitotics额外还提供900毫克的益生元,以支持在肠道的正常生长健康的细菌和活性。随着维生素D,这三种成分具有协同作用,并加强了一些母乳的有益作用。*
父母总是想给孩子最好的。与DNA Miracle Probitotics,不仅可以确保你做的一切,你可以支持你的婴儿的健康,但您会收到我们的承诺,通过我们对质量和护理的承诺,以保护你的小奇迹。
- DNA Miracle Probitotics 的主要好处:
- 支持宝宝的肠道健康
- 支持胃肠道菌群的正常生后发育
- 支持免疫系统
- 有助于保持健康的细菌平衡的肠道
- 包含有科学记录的细菌菌株
- 无甜味剂,着色剂或防腐剂
- DNA Miracle Probitotics的主要成分:
- Probiotic Blend
- 益生菌混合罗伊氏乳杆菌和鼠李糖乳杆菌已被详细记录在安全和abililty方面支持健康定植于人体肠道,包括婴幼儿。这些乳杆菌菌株在母乳和哺乳的母亲传给她的孩子第一防线的一个自然存在。*罗伊氏乳杆菌是益生菌菌株,甘油转化成一个强大的广谱化合物reterin,它支持一个健康的细菌平衡。*鼠李糖乳杆菌是益生菌菌株,有助于平衡消化道菌群。它是最深入的研究的细菌在胃肠道中的一个。鼠李糖乳杆菌已被证明能支持免疫功能,并帮助维持胃粘膜的完整性。*
- Prebiotic Blend
- 人乳低聚糖(HMO),乳糖和脂肪后,代表人类乳汁中的第三大组成部分。它们是人乳的防御系统的重要组成部分,同时具有益生元和潜在的免疫细胞的直接相互作用。*90%的短链低聚半乳糖(GOS)和10%的长链低聚果糖益生元混合物(FOS)类似于人乳中发现的益生元低聚糖和支持肠道菌群的平衡。 90%GOS的10%的低聚果糖模拟人类母乳中的低聚糖比率的比值。*
- Vitamin D
- Probiotic Blend
- DNA Miracle Probitotics常见问题:
What are probiotics and why are they important for infants? The gut microbiota plays an important role in human health by promoting a healthy bacterial balance, by exerting important metabolic functions (fermentation or nondigestible fiber, production of vitamin K), and by supporting the normal development of the immune system.*
What are prebiotics and why are they important for infants? Prebiotics are indigestible components of breast milk, fruit and vegetables that support the growth and activity of healthy bacteria in the gut. They are distinct from probiotics, which are cultures of live bacteria.*
Why should I be concerned about gut health in my infant? It is thought that bacteria lining the gut may play an important role in a child developing sensitivities to certain foods and allergens, regulating immune responses and determining how they will react to the same substances in later life.
How do I give DNA Miracles Probiotics Extra to my child?
Up to age two, mix one level scoopful with water, juice, lukewarm infant formula or food. For newborns, mix only one-quarter (1/4) scoop per day into formula (for the first week).
Are there any warnings associated with DNA Miracles Probiotics Extra?Do not feed powder directly to infant or children. Do not exceed recommended serving size per day. Store at 15-30 degrees Celsius (59-86 degrees Fahrenheit). Protect from heat, light and moisture. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing.
Can a child over two years old use DNA Miracles Probiotics Extra? While there is nothing to preclude children older than two years of age from using DNA Miracles Probiotics Extra, this product’s formula is designed specifically for infants and newborns. As they get older, the makeup of gut flora in children changes. That is why Market America created Might-A-Mins® Spectrum Probiotics, a probiotics supplement designed specifically for children older than two years of age.
Can adults take DNA Miracles Probiotics Extra? DNA Miracles Probiotics Extra is not recommended for adults. For those looking for digestive health supplements containing probiotics, we recommend Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics, or NutriClean® Probiotics.
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